Land Pride’s QH05 Series Quick Hitch is specifically engineered for sub-compact tractors. Owners of sub-compact tractors will find that the Land Pride QH05 speeds implement changes, allowing more time to get chores completed – most without ever leaving the tractor seat. Automatic locks on the lower 3-point arms make hook-up a breeze. Spring-loaded levers make unlocking the lower pin equally as easy and can be done from the tractor seat most of the time. The optional floating top link is required for Land Pride implements with a swivelling top hitch to keep it from binding when going through ditches or other undulations. Land Pride’s QH10 Series Quick Hitch has been specifically designed for use on tractors with Cat. 1 3-point hitches. It features non-standard lower lugs that eliminate the need for bushings in most cases. Similar to the QH15, the QH10 is manufactured from 1/4″ formed steel. It is 32-5/8″ tall and 21-3/4″ wide with a stationary top hitch. The non-standard lower lugs are designed to handle standard 7/8″ Cat. 1 pins without the need for added bushings. The QH10 also comes with standard QH features you expect in a Land Pride Quick Hitch — like automatic locks on the lower pins and an optional floating top link. (Shown on RTA12 Series Rotary Tiller.) Land Pride’s QH15 Series – Not all 3-point products are quick-hitch adaptable, especially older units of any brand. With our adjustable top hook, Land Pride’s QH15 hitch has a better chance of fitting older 3-point attachments. Look for the Quick Hitch logo to denote applicable Land Pride products. Land Pride’s 3-Point Quick-Hitch is available for a Cat. 1 hitch allowing you to easily hook on to implements, some without ever leaving the tractor seat. Implement dealers, rental yards, implement manufacturers, landscape contractors, professional turf managers, nurseries, municipalities, and large feedlot operations can increase productivity by using the Land Pride QH15 Quick-Hitch. Optional top link is required for implements that have a swivelling top link. This keeps the top link attached when going through ditches. (Shown here with RTR25 Tiller.) Land Pride’s QH20 Series 3-Point Quick-Hitch is available for a Cat. 2 hitch allowing you to easily hook on to implements, some without ever leaving the tractor seat. Implement dealers, rental yards, implement manufacturers, landscape contractors, professional turf managers, nurseries, municipalities, and large feedlot operations can increase productivity by using the Land Pride QH20 Quick-Hitch.
QH05: Land Pride’s QH05 Quick Hitch is a CAT 1 Quick Hitch with
700lbs (318kg) lift capacity specifically engineered for subcompact
tractors. The QH05 allows you to quickly connect
to or disconnect Land Pride products – most without leaving
the tractor seat.
QH16:The NEW QH16 is a CAT 1 Quick Hitch with 2,000lbs
(907kg) lift capacity that combines the best features of the
now discontinued QH10 & QH15 models. The QH16 includes
the popular adjustable top link mount from the QH15. It
also features the lower lugs from the QH10 which securely
grasp CAT 1 pins. The adjustable top link mount allows
increased scope to attach products that do not conform to
standard quick‐hitch design standards.
QH20:The QH20 is a CAT 2 Quick Hitch with fixed top link mount
capable of lifting up to 3,600lbs (1,633kg)
QU30: The QH30 is a CAT 3 Quick Hitch with fixed top link mount
capable of lifting up to 13,600lbs (6,169kg)
Please contact our friendly staff for current pricing.